Above are pictures of one of our doggy reunions. 

We have a routine each and every day. The dogs have to have their free time in the mornings, then feeding and clean up., fresh water. Taking care of the nursery and babies inside. Then back out to clean again. So our hours are by appointments.

Monday - Friday noon -  5 pm

Saturdays Noon - 3 pm 


I'm working on this new site trying to get all my pages & information loaded. Please call or email if you like  

Welcome to Patty's Puppy Love * Todd and I have been breeding these amazing puppies for over 23 years now. It's a lot of work but we are so blessed to meet wonderful people who have an unconditional love for the four legged fur babies.  Dogs are the best * They love you no matter what * Always happy to see you * And They NEVER complain. I tell people I went to the dogs and still today it's the best place I've ever been. The unconditional LOVE is addictive LOL  

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